
Tongue Tie Release Specialist

Pediatricians located in Highlands Ranch & Lakewood, Colorado, and serving the surrounding communities.

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Tongue Tie Release services offered in Lakewood and Highlands Ranch, CO

About 5% of newborns have ankyloglossia (or tongue tie). Tongue tie release is a safe and minimally invasive outpatient procedure that can relieve uncomfortable symptoms and improve your child’s quality of life. At Academy Park Pediatrics, the team of experienced pediatricians regularly performs tongue tie release. To make an appointment for your child in Lakewood or Highlands Ranch, Colorado, call the nearest office, or request a visit online today.

Tongue Tie Release Q & A

What is tongue tie release?

Tongue tie release is an outpatient procedure that treats tongue tie, a condition characterized by a short lingual frenulum. 

The lingual frenulum is a piece of soft tissue that connects your tongue to the floor of your mouth. If your child has a very short lingual frenulum, it can impair their tongue’s mobility, affecting their ability to eat and, rarely, speak. Tongue tie release improves the tongue’s range of motion, enhancing your child’s quality of life. 

What are the types of tongue tie release?

The team at Academy Park Pediatrics offers several types of tongue tie release, including:


A frenulotomy is an outpatient procedure for infants who have difficulty nursing. During this procedure, your child’s pediatrician uses scissors or a scalpel to cut through and release your child’s lingual frenulum. 


If your child’s lingual frenulum is too short or tight, the team might recommend a frenectomy. During this procedure, your child’s provider uses special tools to remove their entire lingual frenulum.


If your child has a thick lingual frenulum located toward the back of their tongue, the team might recommend a frenuloplasty. During this procedure, your child’s provider uses special tools to release their tongue from the lingual frenulum, enhancing its range of motion.

Some doctors use these terms interchangeably. If you have any questions about your child’s procedure, don’t hesitate to bring them up.

What issues can tongue tie release help treat?

At Academy Park Pediatrics, the team uses tongue tie release to treat various issues, including:

  • Difficulty nursing
  • Articulation problems that don’t improve with speech therapy
  • Practical or social issues (i.e., trouble licking ice cream)
  • Tongue, mouth, or jaw discomfort

Your child might also benefit from tongue tie release if they regularly experience oral health problems, like cavities or gum disease.

What is recovery like after tongue tie release?

After tongue tie release, most children experience mild swelling and bleeding as well as increased mouth sensitivity. If your child is six months or older, they can take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication. The team might also recommend eating soft foods for a few days, like yogurt, apple sauce, and soup, until your child’s mouth heals.

To see if your child can benefit from tongue tie release, make an appointment at Academy Park Pediatrics. Call the nearest office, or request a visit online today.